Rishi Techtex...Niche player (With Strong Leadership)

Company : Rishi Techtex ltd (BSE code: 523021 ) Industry : Containers & Packaging Investment Horizon : Holding for 3 years (This can generate a consistent return over the investment horizon) Recommendation : At CMP of Rs.69 is trading at a 11% discount from 52 week High . Allocate not more than 2-3% of your portfolio. About the Company: Rishi Techtex Ltd, a well-established operating for last 20 years & having plants at Daman & Dadra (180 kms from Mumbai). The company manufacturers PP/HD Woven fabrics & sacks under Woven Division & Shading Nets under Knitted Division Woven Division: - It is one of Pioneer in Woven Sack Industry supplying to various Blue Chip Company in India to cater the packing requirement in Cement, Petrochemical & other Industries. In the Woven Division, it has capacity to process about 5000 MT per annum. Knitted Division: As a part of Diversification six years back, the company started its new initiative ...